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What questions can I ask during my child's preschool parent-teacher conference?


If the teacher mentions difficulty engaging with gross motor skills:

·       What aspects of the playground does he/she use or avoid (swing, slide, ladder)?

·       Can he/she pedal a tricycle or bike? Propel a scooter?

·       Can he/she navigate stairs safely? Alternate feet?

·       Can he/she imitate what you do if you provide a demonstration?

·       Can he/she throw/catch/kick a ball?


If the teacher mentions difficulty engaging with fine/visual motor skills:

·       Can he/she hold writing utensils with his/her fingertips?

·       Can he/she draw a circle (3 years) and intersecting lines (4 years)?

·       Can he/she cut paper in half?

·       Is he/she regarding boundaries for coloring (4 years)?

·       Can he/she open containers?

·       Can he/she lace and/or bead with string?


If the teacher mentions difficulty sitting for circle time:

·       Does he/she struggle with sitting up against gravity and needs to lean on objects/people or lay down?

·       Does he/she do better if sitting in a teacher’s lap?

·       Does he/she have difficulty with maintaining personal space in the circle?

·       Does he/she seem bothered by accidental touches from peers?

·       Can he/she answer questions about the content?

·       Is he/she able to copy body movements or hand gestures for songs? 


If the teacher mentions difficulty following directions and daily routines:

·       Does it seem like he/she can’t tune into the teacher’s voice when there is background noise?

·       Does he/she respond better when you secure his/her visual attention before providing directions?

·       Does he/she have difficulty recalling multiple steps? Are visual schedules helpful?


If the teacher mentions difficulty with self-regulation:

·       Are there experiences that he/she avoids due to being overwhelmed by sensations (loud noise for music, messy play for art, fear of heights on the playground)?

·       Does my child regulate better when afforded the opportunity to move (following a class wide movement break or playground time)?

·       What activities tend to lead to my child becoming dysregulated?

·       What tools/strategies help my child with quieting his/her body and focusing on a purposeful activity?


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